Messmer : Le Record du Monde

During a crazy evening hosted by Arthur, Messmer, the most famous hypnotist in the world, will attempt an incredible challenge: to beat his own world record by hypnotizing 1,000 people in 6 minutes in front of more than 3,500 people at the Paris Dome!

An eventful evening to celebrate Messmer’s 10 years of hypnosis in France. And to celebrate, many personalities will be present to testify about the incredible things they have seen or experienced.

Throughout the evening, Messmer will experiment with the subjects most receptive to hypnosis. Whether they are stars, journalists or spectators in the audience, they will all lose control with one goal… to entertain us: laughter guaranteed!

And who says exceptional evening says exceptional device! Karima Charni will be Arthur’s special correspondent in the room, close to the audience to tell the story of this amazing adventure!

After more than an hour of preparation, the whole audience of the Paris Dome will be simultaneously put in a state of hypnosis through a last test of receptivity. The hypnotized people will then be counted. This will be done under the supervision of a bailiff.

So, will Messmer manage to beat this world record?

One thing is sure: you will be bluffed by this totally crazy show! And even more, if you don’t believe in hypnosis!

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